Welcome March: Month of the Fight Against Racism and Racial Discrimination

March 2024 - Newsletter

3/2/20243 min read

The Global Coalition Against Systemic Racism and for Reparations is making CALL TO ACTION this March, month of the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21) and the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade (March 25).

As the first International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024) comes to an end, strategic actions are required to transform the reality of exclusion, racism, and discrimination experienced by millions of Afro-descendant peoples worldwide. That is why the Global Coalition Against Systemic Racism and for Reparations, in coordination with our partner organizations, invites you to renew your commitment in the fight against racism and to take on the challenge of continuing to generate actions at the national, regional, and international levels that contribute to the creation of inclusive societies, free from all forms of discrimination and racism.

March is a month to reflect on progress made in the achievement of human rights for all, and the outstanding debts that need to be fulfilled in order to transform the lives of millions of Afro-descendant people. We currently have a robust legal framework for the recognition and development of peoples of African descent around the world, including the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (2002), the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1969), the International Decade for People of African Descent; as well as a variety of international treaties and conventions, which have been reaffirmed by laws and policies at the national and sub-national levels in dozens of countries.

An international governance for Afro-descendants has also emerged through the creation of multiple instances like the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (1969), the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, and more recently the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent (2021), which aims to promote and monitor compliance with international agendas and human rights frameworks.

These achievements are not concessions but rather, the result of activism by multiple generations of Black people who through resistance and organizing, have raised their voices to demand justice, equality, and reparations, thus honouring the memory of their ancestors who were stripped of their own humanity and freedom. It has been a decades-long battle for the recognition of a history steeped in blood, oppression, and subjugation, of a people that crossed oceans and continents, to form the African diaspora, and whom are heirs of a great spiritual and cultural wealth, but also of a sad legacy of slavery and colonialism, which carries systematic exclusion, poverty, and all types of violence and discrimination.

This March we once again raise our voice against Racism and invite you to take action in your everyday life, in your community, and in your work spaces to end Antiblackness and Racial Discrimination once and for all.



We are a Global Anti-Racist Community, which brings together diverse actors, sectors, institutions, organizations, companies and individuals to promote a culture that ensures dignity for all and generates actions to obtain reparations for the victims of systemic anti-Black racism.

Systemic racism requires a systemic response and systemic global action that multiplies voices and actions to create anti-racist societies that ensure that dignity is taken away from millions of people because of their racial identities.

We invite you to organize activities to educate and raise awareness against systemic racism, as well as to invite other potential allies to join the Coalition and build an anti-racist culture. We would appreciate you sharing with the Coalition community the actions you will take to strengthen our global commitment.

Our Commitment as a Coalition is summarized in this Decalogue of Action against Racism

  1. Openly recognize yourself as a part of the global community that is committed to the eradication of racism by taking concrete shared action with other Coalition members.

  2. Respect the victims of systemic racism by providing them with social, legal and emotional support according to their demands and perspectives.

  3. Research and learn about the various manifestations of racism and listen carefully and respectfully to its victims, to be able to effectively counteract the false narratives that minimize systemic racism.

  4. Use, maximize, promote and disseminate information that demonstrates the reality of systemic exclusion of Afro-descendants, in order to be able to transform this reality with concrete actions and programs.

  5. Build and promote work, educational, recreational and organizational spaces that are free of discrimination and racism 

  6. Create, promote and participate in education and awareness activities on anti-racism and the recognition of people of African descent, as well as committing to the use of anti-racist language.

  7. Leverage art, culture and sports as means to confront racism and promote anti-racist awareness.

  8. Support anti-racist actions locally, nationally and internationally that increase awareness on the experiences and contributions of people of African descent.

  9. Contribute financially and/or through voluntary work, to actions that promote an anti-racist culture and for the defense of the victims of racism.

  10. Exchange and share experiences and allow collaboration among Coalition members through periodic meetings.

Let us remain united in this important struggle, remembering that every action counts and that together, we can create a future free of racism and discrimination for all.

For more information about the Global Coalition contact us at: global@contraracismo.org