A fight to ACT, demand JUSTICE, LISTEN, SUPPORT, and REPAIR.
Who Are We?
The Global Coalition Against Systemic Racism and for Reparations is a Global Antiracist Community that brings together actors, sectors, institutions, organizations, companies, and individuals to promote a culture that ensures dignity and generates reparative responses for victims of racism.
This coalition is born in response to the systemic racism faced by Afro-descendant peoples and communities, as well as a mechanism to promote actions that contribute to transforming the reality of exclusion and discrimination faced by Afro-descendant peoples and communities as a result of this scourge.
The Coalition is comprised of a Central Coordination and National coordinations, which have been established as national chapters taking on the challenge of identifying and inviting Afro-descendant leaders, Indigenous peoples, national and international institutions, local governments, sports and cultural organizations, churches, civil society organizations, among other actors in society to be part of the national chapter.
Those who are part of this Coalition undertake the commitment to play an active role in the fight against systemic racism.
Who are part of the Coalition?
Founding Member
National Chapter
These are public or private individuals or organizations that are driving the foundation of a national chapter of the Global Coalition Against Systemic Racism and for Reparations in their respective countries.
Adherent Member
These are public or private individuals or institutions that, due to their strategic nature, join or partner with either a national chapter or the central coordination of the Global Coalition Against Systemic Racism and for Reparations.
Strategic Partner
These are public or private individuals or institutions that, due to their strategic nature, join or partner with either a national chapter or the central coordination of the Global Coalition Against Systemic Racism and for Reparations.
Cooperating Partner
These are public or private individuals or institutions that, provide technical and/or financial cooperation to either a national chapter or the central coordination of the Global Coalition Against Systemic Racism and for Reparations.
These are public or private individuals or institutions that provide financial contributions to support project execution or capacity building for the Global Coalition Against Systemic Racism and for Reparations.
Get to know the organizations
that are part of the Coalition
Agrupación Xango
Rede Nacional de Mulheres Negras no Combate á Violencia
Geledes Instituto da Muher
National Garifuna Council
Fundación Azúcar
Ubuntu Africa Chile (Congo, Haiti)
Universidad de Tacapacia
Red de Mujeres del Caribe
Asociación de Mujeres Afrocolombianas AMUAFROC
Consejo Permanente de Afrodescendientes de América Latina y el Caribe COPAFRO
Planet S&
Filma Afro
Red Mariposas de Alas Nuevas
Consejo Comunitario de la Cuenca del Rio
OJALA - Observatorio de Justicia para Afrodescendientes en Latinoamerica
Costa Rica
Centro de Mujeres Afro
Municipalidad de Matina
Asociación Cultural Puebla de los Pardos
Asociación de Mujeres Afro del Caribe - AMACCA
Asociación Universal Negro Improvemment Association UNIA
Comité Cívico Cultural Étnico Negro de Limón
Asociacion Tribal Afrodescendientes del Caribe Sur
United States
Alianza America
El Salvador
Fundacion Afrodescendientes Organizadas Salvadoreñas
Nuevo Amanecer
Casa Yuramein
Iseri Ibagari
Fundación Petra Morga
Fundacion Arcoiris por el Respeto de la Diversidad Sexual
Union de Afrodescendientes Radicados en Mexico
Afrodescendientes en Mexico - Investigacion e incidencia AC
Red de Mujeres Afrodescendientes CDMX
Poder Prieto
Colectivo Femenina Afrodiaspora
Red Nacional de Juventudes Afromexicanas
Colectivo para Eliminar el Racismo
Progrma Nacional de Investigación Afrodescendiente y Diversidad Cultural / Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Mexico Negro
Centro de Estudios Afromexicanos Tembembe
Afro Pamana International
Fundación Contra Peso
Instituto Afrodescendiente para el Estudio, la Investigacion y el Desarrollo
Red de Juventudes Afrodescendientes de América Latina y el Caribe
Organización Negra Centroamericana ONECA
Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericas Afrocaribeñas y de la Diáspora
Contact Us
We're here to listen to you. If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to get in touch with us, please complete the following form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Your voice is important in our fight against systemic racism and for restorative justice.