II International Concert Against Racism

4/13/20241 min read

On July 29th, 2023, II Second International Concert Against Racism took place in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil as part of the Latinidades Festival. This concert raised a voice for the rights of Afrodescendant women and the fight against racism through art, music, and culture.

Brazil is the country with the largest Afrodescendant population in the world, with more than 110 million Afrodescendants. Available data shows the exclusion and racial discrimination Afro-Brazilians suffer due to systemic racism in the country. In Salvador, Bahia, dozens of Black youth die annually, victims of various forms of exclusion and racism, in what has been recognized as a genocide.

The II International Concert Against Racism aimed to be a substantial contribution to promoting an anti-racist culture in Brazil and in Salvador, Bahia.

Through the organization of multiple national editions of the concert in different countries, the Coalition expects to generate a significant impact in the fight against racial discrimination and the recognition of the human rights of Afrodescendant communities globally. This initiative represents an important step towards building a more equitable and just future, in which all people, regardless of ethnicity, can live free from racism and racial discrimination.